Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well I've been procrastinating about blogging here for almost 3 years so I suppose it's about time I got started. As always the question is where to begin. Should I set tight parameters to the content or should I include anything and everything? Originally I had thought to use this site to talk solely about gardening and agricultural matters as I am particularly interested in 'Back Yard Farming' However, since the loss of the original JounalSpace, which carried my general blog, I think I will use this as a general blog and set up another for those topics.
There, I've actually made a decision.
Okay the next thing is content. I am making this an open blog, at least initially. I do have a closed personal blog so don't expect any deep soul searching angst here 'cos it ain't gonna happen. I will write in English, although there may be some lapses into Somerset dialect and possibly into Cornish.
So where shall I begin? I know!
Once upon a time ....

1 comment:

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

One doesn't haven't to be a rocket scientist to see it's difficualt for you to decide on actions to be taken.

I'll make it easy for you.

Get up off your bun and post something!!!!!!!!!!! ;P

Take care,