Sunday, January 15, 2012

Second Post

Well, I'm about to achieve a record, two blog posts in one year. Actually that isn't entirely true as I used to regularly blog on JournalSpace until it was sabotaged by a disgruntled ex-employee and all it's storage wiped. My heart went out of blogging then and anyway I had discovered Twitter & become hooked on micro-blogging. Anyway the time has come for me to start macro-blogging again, if that's the correct term.
I was thinking of running several specialist blogs at once, one for writing, one for horticulture/agriculture and one for food & cooking, however I think I'd better see if I can keep a general blog going first. If i find it's becoming a mess or that one topic is taking over then I'll reconsider.
At the moment the writing blog would be rather sparse as I've not done much in the past year. I read one short piece at the Ipswich Arts Festival (IpArt) and that was it. I didn't even finish National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year for the first time in four years. so my first target is a short story for IpArt. I've got an idea which I started working on in NaNoWriMo and I think I'll see where that goes. Hopefully I'll be able to keep you updated with progress; or otherwise.
More about the other two areas in my next blog.

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